woah, mate, I can make websites, for free?
on this website I talk about stuff and show off some cool things I made or found, or I just make webpages to have fun with making a website (that was a very long way of saying "I wanted to make a website so I did").
I guess I have to fill up this text box so here are some opinions of mine:
- - basically all social media platforms are terrible
- - SAAS is the worst tech deinovation
- - windows is ineffecient bloatware
- - we should all live by "people over profits"
- - most big tech companies are stinky poopoo heads
- - global warming is real and the earth is in no way flat
- - fallout new vegas, wobbledogs and skyrim are my 3 favorite games
- - ween, igorrr, beck, the beatles and talking heads are my favorite musicians/bands
my OGS account, yeah im not that great at go.
and uh, thats all I've got to say for this part of the website
PS: for a proper viewing experience, resize the website so that the main content of the page is in centered in the screen vertically
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