
Some Cool Games I Like And You Sould Check Out

Catacombs Of Solaris

this isn't a walking simulator, it's a showcase of trippy visuals. I can't spoil it but you should really go and experience it for yourself, since its free.

catacombs of solaris

LSD: revamped

this is one of my favorite games and truly a work of art. based on the original ps2 game "LSD: Dream Emulator" it's like what you would imagine a game with that title to be like. everything from the game intro to gameplay and animated sequences feels, pretty obviously, like a dream. whenever you run into a wall or a object you get transported to another area, and the randomized events keep things fresh. also if anybody knows how to interpret the map I would love to know.

LSD: revamped

yume nikki

compared to the other games this one has some more structure and there's a somewhat more obvious goal. you walk through many areas and collect effects, which change your characters copsmetics and abilities. overall an amazing exploration game with wonderfull visuals. the link underneath this is for yume nikki online, which is a multiplayer. I think that the multiplayer makes it pretty fun but if you want i'm pretty sure you can turn it off.

yume nikki online

Dwarf Fortress

the original colony simulator this game is FIRE, I love this game to no end. this game has insane amounts of storytelling and detail. even though the graphics are very low detail they communicate worlds of information. if you do decide to play this, which I highly recomend you do, be ready for a steep learning curve. this is my favorite game 10/10.

Dwarf Fortress

Honorable mention


polybius is an urban legend about a crazy video game, if you want to know more about that just look up the wikipedia page. anyways if there's a urban legend about a creepy video game people will probably try to make it real, and that's what this is. there are quite a few polybius games but I feel like this one is the most accurate. this game makes me feel icky and it scares me.
